
Hawaii Carpenters Union Master Agreement

Ondřej Havlín 10.9.2021
Hlasování bylo ukončeno

Celkem hlasů: 0

These organizations have signed a collective agreement defining the responsibilities of the participating organizations. A Joint Education and Training Committee, composed of representatives of the above-mentioned groups, is responsible for the overall management and supervision of the training program and establishes training guidelines and requirements for participating apprentices. HCATF is overseen by a Jatc Board of Directors and Partner Organization Committee led by Executive Director Edmund C. Aczon. HWCBC is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations of the State of Hawaii and complies with applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, as well as other learning standards. The Hawaii Carpenters Apprenticeship & Training Fund is a partnership between several major construction industry organizations listed below. Aczon worked for Hawaiian Dredging & Construction Co. for 13 years and founded his own construction company in 1986, specializing in military contracts. In 1995, he was named Prime Contractor of the Year by the Building Industry Association of Hawaii and Filipino Entrepreneur of the Year by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce, and received an Award of Excellence from the Small Business Administration. .

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